
Showing posts from January, 2018

Suzhou's Not So Great (HLCC)  Hong Leong City Centre

Let me share my personal experiences living at T1 Suzhou HLCC. August, 2017 - Moldy interior wallpaper(s) that necessitated dwellers to relocate. Dec, 2017 – Poor toilet flushing issue and worker’s steadfastness to refuse acknowledging the issue. 2017 to 2018 - Numerous doorman and workers  idiotic attitudes.  Moldy wallpaper showed up on the 2nd week of August which was quickly 'root caused' to poorly installed tiles on the common corridor. Tiles were removed for 2 months before deciding the interior wallpaper needed replacement. That required the tenant's complete relocation out of the unit. The hassle was not compensated nor any apologies provided, (though they were nice enough to offer a temporary vacant unit to relocate).  The second issue reflects poorly trained management skills with untrained third world mentality personnels. At least 4 repeated requests or complaints on a slow or stuck toilet bowl on Dec 8th, 9th, 17th and few other unrecorded events with each time